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High Impact Digital Foundry Agroads

How can businesses continue to innovate quickly and nimbly with digital platforms to meet changing consumer needs while reducing costs?

In order to achieve speed-to-market and the flexibility to deliver strategic priorities, organisations of all sizes struggle to realise their digital and omnichannel ambitions. They must simultaneously address market threats while luring in and keeping the ideal combination of business, creative, and technical talent. Due to the need for teams to adapt quickly to changing conditions, this struggle has recently become more challenging.

Customers may discover that they lack the scale and skill set to execute consumer behaviours.

The promise of digitally enabled, omnichannel customer experiences can be realised by using a Digital Foundry to address these challenges through scalable, industrialised delivery with the right talent.

A digital foundry, also known as flex teams, digital factory, bursting teams, or retainer-based model, is based on the concept of agile, capacity-based teams (or "pods") that prioritise speed-to-market and can flex up or down according to business need. Delivering on strategic roadmap objectives, from new features and enhancements to larger implementation projects, is the main goal, as is responding to urgent needs, both anticipated and unforeseen.

Effective Digital Foundry teams use a follow-the-sun continuous deployment strategy and are made up of on- and off-shore teams.

Flexible, Scalable Capacity

Digital Foundries assist a company in defining its annual and long-term digital roadmaps, as well as the necessary resources and budget, before assisting the organisation throughout the entire development lifecycle. The foundry teams scale to meet an organization's demand while maintaining a baseline for operations and production support, from strategy and roadmap planning to user experience to operations. Digital Foundry teams can add team members with specific skill sets as needed for roadmap projects like user experience updates, platform upgrades, or complex integrations, acting with greater agility than typical recruitment and hiring processes can.

Delivery pods can scale back down to the core team when projects are finished while keeping the ability to scale up again in the future. A Digital Foundry team uses uniform standards and a common vocabulary throughout to industrialise delivery while maintaining team productivity. In the modern marketplace, this aids an organisation in achieving innovation and speed while maximising costs without being impacted by staff turnover. The evolution of Digital Foundry's working methods mirrors what tech companies have been doing for decades and aids in the development of technology that gives companies a competitive edge and sets them apart.

The Advantage of Talent, Industrialization, and Scale

An additional set of delivery centre standards, pre-built assets, and automation tools are provided by a digital foundry. These tools are continuously improved based on project experiences across multiple digital foundries. Otherwise, all of these capabilities would have to be developed and maintained internally.

To simplify scaling of multi-brand or multisite programmes, development operations are industrialised. Examples include UI patterns, coding standards, testing automation, ADA compliance, and performance and security standards.

Specialty services, including content creation, digital marketing, and campaign activation, customer data platform management, search engine optimisation (SEO), analytics, reporting, and personalization, can also be added. Demand for 3D and augmented experiences has also increased. All things considered,

Bringing Digital Foundry to Life

Over the past five years, Deloitte has assisted one legendary New York brand in evolving in order to realise their digital and omnichannel ambitions. Foundry pods grew and shrank during that time to accommodate the size of the significant projects undertaken by this brand. Projects ranged from globalisation to significant platform upgrades to a complete redesign and re-architecture of the digital platform. The foundry continuously maintained a core capacity for uninterrupted production support, turning digital into a growth engine that delivered 35% annual growth prior to COVID-19 and nearly 75% growth after COVID-19. Additionally, metrics like traffic, conversion, and average order value were all improved. Organisations were able to achieve their desired ROI thanks to ongoing reductions in operational costs, including those for the Digital Foundry, as a percentage of revenue.

In order to create high-impact delivery pods, Deloitte has established and managed Digital Foundry teams with clients from a variety of industries and sectors. Throughout the customer journey, we work as a strategic partner committed to delivering business results, not just as a subcontractor obliviously processing tickets and service requests. Deloitte helps clients respond to and anticipate the market with the help of our adaptable, highly skilled, capacity-based teams while maintaining a laser-like focus on strategic initiatives that add value. Organisations of all sizes can benefit greatly from working with the right Digital Foundry partner, giving them the ability to manage complex platforms and provide customer experience innovation through flexibility and agility at the right price.

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